Datascape research and consultancy limited is an independent research organization in Bangladesh currently conducting Mid-Term Review Report of “Delivering Health, Nutrition and Livelihood, and Protection services for the Rohingya refugees and vulnerable host communities in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh”According to United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR) family counting exercise demographic data, 473941 Rohingya refugees are women and around 316,000 of them are of reproductive age. World Health Organization (WHO) reported that in February 2018, more than 50,000 women in the Rohingya community were pregnant. The latest available data reveals that a significant portion of pregnant Rohingya women could not receive antenatal care (ANC) because of the unavailability or inaccessibility of the service. A recently published cross-sectional study stated that 36.00% of Rohingya refugees were suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms of depression and suicidal thoughts prevail among 89.00% and 13.00% of people of the Rohingya community. A nutrition study of Eminence Associates for Social Development (2019), comparing health data in the refugee community in Cox's Bazar from October 2017 to May 2018 revealed that stunting rates have dropped from 44.00% to 38.00% in the main camp, which is still close to the WHO critical health emergency threshold of 40.00%. On the other hand, Child marriage is a strong cultural phenomenon among the Rohingya, primarily rooted in sociocultural and religious beliefs around readiness for marriage. Although child marriage was practiced by the Rohingya in Myanmar, specific state law and oppression by military forces prevented many from marrying before age 18.Since the start of the Rohingya crisis in August 2017, much well-known government and non-government projects have been hard at work enhancing the food and health security of Rohingya refugees and strengthening the livelihood bases and protection services of underprivileged host families who bear a disproportionate share of the burden of caring for the massive refugee influx.The International Rescue Committee (IRC), Concern Worldwide and BBC Media Action (BBCMA), have initiated a project named “Delivering Health, Nutrition and Livelihood, and Protection services for the Rohingya refugees and vulnerable host communities in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh”. These three years long project (1st September 2020- 31st August 2023) is funded by the Bureau of Population Refugee and Migration (BPRM). The project aims to benefit 312,656 people directly (Refugee: 234,129 and Host: 78,527) and 271,000 people are expected to benefit indirectly over a period of three years.Datascape commissioned the project for Mid Term Review (MTR) under the supervision of Professor Dr. Jamal Uddin. The goal of this evaluation is to assess the program's implementation, draw conclusions based on available data about how each target has evolved thus far and identify areas that require improvement to ensure that the program meets its objectives.