

Certificate training on Statistical Data Analysis with Stata

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Datascape Research and Consultancy limited is one of the top Market Social & Business Research Companies in Bangladesh. We provide multi-dimensional social and market research for our clients. Our continuous skills’ development initiates to contribute in building research pull for sustainable Bangladesh. This online hands-on training will introduce participants to Stata statistical software, how to prepare datasets, and carry out statistical analysis.

Course Content

This course will cover key parts of Stata- Data management, analysis and graphics.The content is outlined below.

Software Program

This training will require Stata installed in each trainee’s computer.  Please make sure each participants downloads and install Stata software (if license not available to you can use trial version).

Learning Outcome

  • Getting familiar with Stata interface and programming language
  • Read various standard of data formats into Stata
  • Data preparation for analysis
  • Perform statistical analysis using Stata
  • Produce publication-quality graphs
  • Perform advanced modeling in Stata

Day-1 (MJU): 

Part-1: Overview of Statistics

Types of data – Quantitative vs Qualitative, Graphical representation of data, Measures of location and dispersion; Shape characteristics of data/distribution; Cross-tabulation, Test of hypothesis concerning mean, proportion, etc., Sampling techniques and sample size determination, Drawing sample under different sampling scheme, Analysis of variance (ANOVA, general linear model), Idea on the non-parametric test, Correlation and Regression analysis, Logistic/Poisson regression.


Part 2: Introduction to Stata

Orientation of Stata and its different windows, drop-down menus, and basic idea of data entry.

Day 2 (MABC): Prepare your data before analysis.

Data/Database preparation: Define variables including time format, data entry from raw data, entry multiple response variables, entry data from cross-tabulation, read data from other software (e.g., excel, text file, SPSS), add value labels, working with outliers, z-score to identify outliers.

Creating new variables from existing data: recode or rename variables, compute new variables, select, and weight cases, split and unsplit files, sort cases, merge and append data, arrange variables etc., simple algebraic calculation between variables, save data files in different format, working with output editor including necessary export output for publication. Basic idea of Syntax, get help from Stata help documents.


Day-3 (MABC): Basic analysis and its application to social science and other fields

Perform the basic data analysis procedures: Frequencies, Descriptive statistics, Explore, Means, Crosstabs, create custom tables, table using multiple responses, and Likert-scale data analysis.

Built the most useful charts in Stata: Bar diagram, Pie chart, Histogram, line charts, scatterplot charts, boxplot diagrams, etc., editing chart from the output, export graphs to another format.

Perform the one-sample analyses: one-sample t-test, binomial test, Chi-square for goodness of fit, F-test and so on.

Day-4 (MJU): Comparing two and more than two groups under study.

Execute the analyses for means comparison: Two Sample t-test, between-subjects ANOVA, Perform the tests of association: Pearson and Spearman correlation, partial correlation, chi-square test for association, Test the hypothesis of normality (with numeric and graphic methods), detect the outliers in a data series (with numeric and graphic methods), transform variables to achieve normality.


Day-5 (MJU): Projection and prediction using the data.

Perform the linear regression analysis including simple diagnostic tests (simple and multiple regression), Logistic regression analysis (binary) and Poisson regression, Nonparametric tests (Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis etc.), Compute and interpret various types of reliability indicators (Cronbach’s alpha, Cohen’s kappa, Kendall’s W).


** Course contents are subject to change as per instructors’ discretion

Duration: 5 Days

Course Fee: 2000 taka only

Make “Payment” on Bkash 01894834480 (Merchant)

Registration Link (Click here):


Please call for more information: +8801894-885892










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